Self-help book summary: Ikigai chapter 1–4

3 min readDec 1, 2020


“11: Ikigai”

The link for the audiobook: Self Help Audiobook #6 | Amazon Audible Free Audio Books — Best Audiobooks Audible Library Complete

I summarized until 1:20:53.

Chapter 1–2 (Lifestyle)

Eat until you are 80 percent full

Do exercises every day

Expose yourself to change for brain exercising and revitalizing

Do a new task every day: helps to escape from solitude

Interesting: games for anti-aging

Stress: degenerative effects on cells

Seating will make you age

Develop a healthy lifestyle at an early age

Eat fruit instead of junk food

Get sleep of 7–9 hours of sleep

Play with children or pets to gain self-confidence

Sleep: generates melatonin for longevity and it fights against diseases

Skin: Models claim that they sleep 9–10 hours before the show

Ingredients for longevity:

  1. Positive Attitude
  2. Managing emotions

Serenity: sleep early, wake up early, then go for a walk

Chapter 3 (Therapy)

Logotherapy: Find a meaning in life: overcome obstacles and sorrows

“He who knows a why bears whys”

55 percent of their patients were experiencing existential crisis

We don’t create our meaning of life, we discover it

What do we need to do now? What should we be doing now?

Morita therapy(15–21 days): accept emotions without trying to control them

Create new emotions through activities

  1. Isolation 5–7 days (no speaking, reading, entertainment, etc)

2. Light occupational therapy 5–7 days (repetitional exercises: diary, gardening, painting, but not talking)

3. Heavy occupational therapy 5–7 days (chop woods, writing, painting, making ceramics, but patients can only talk about their tasks)

4. Re-enter society as a new person but without any pressure from the society and emotions.

The patient should feel joy, hope, and acceptance at the end of this stage.

Patients make their own ways in journaling, etc. It is a unique experience/journey

Remark: wait 3 days before you want to fight with someone

Chapter 4 (Flow)

“Excellence is not an act but a habit”

Bruce Lee: be water - meaning: getting lost in what you are doing

State of flow (being completely immersed in what you are doing, nothing else seems to matter): pleasure, delight, creativity, and process

Increase the time of activities that you find flow

7 conditions for achieving flow:

  1. Knowing what to do
  2. Knowing how to do it
  3. Knowing how well you are doing
  4. Knowing where to go
  5. Perceiving significant challenges
  6. Perceiving significant skills
  7. Being free from distractions

Strategy 1: have little challenges that would take you out of your comfort zone

Strategy 2: have a clear objective (flow with it but do not obsess over it) - take small steps

Strategy 3: Focus on one task (no distraction, have a control of what you are doing) - no unnecessary technology

Multitasking - reduction of 60 percent in production and 10 points in IQ also more prone to mistakes

Ways for more focus:

  1. No screen 1 hour after you wake up and 1 hour before you sleep
  2. Turn off your phone before you achieve flow

3. Read or respond e-mails twice a day and stick to that schedule

4. Pomodoro technique (my comment: “which does not work for me!”)

5. Practice mindfulness

6. Work in a space you will not get distracted (my comment:clean room always helps me!”)

